The Tarot
Our Guide On The Open Road
Well, here we all are—in life.
The question is: are we going to live it well, or badly?
You may be a manager who needs to decide how to implement a plan; or a parent who is not sure if your child’s behavior is a real problem or just a phase; or at a personal crossroad and uncertain or confused about which way to go.
These are real-life situations. When people ask questions, they deserve straight answers; they certainly want to be pointed in the right direction so they can deal successfully with problems such as these. The Tarot is the ideal tool; it addresses the issue, while helping you fine-tune the self.
The Tarot is a guide. You ask it a question and it will give you an answer. The answer may be contained in the ninth major trump—The Hermit—so you go it alone, or find someone older and wiser who knows how to live with isolation. Or you may get the sixteenth trump—The Tower— so you are meant to dismantle what you have, and re-assemble it, only into something better than currently exists.
It is our guide. The Tarot is for all of us; you do not need specialized knowledge of astrology, the Kabala, numbers or other systems of occult philosophy in order to read its message.
The cards are poetic—and we all have a little bit of poetry in us. If you have ever sung along to a tune on the radio, you can read Tarot cards.
It is our guide on the open road. The phrase is taken from Walt Whitman:
Afoot and light-hearted
I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.
The state of mind that Whitman describes above may be an ideal rather than our current position, but wise women and men have always said we may re-gain or retrieve a light heart, health, freedom. We can choose how we will respond to the circumstances life gives us—it takes the same energy to say I will continue as to say I give up—and with determination, enthusiasm and concentration upon our task, we achieve success.