
001   What to do with a one-card reading.

Bill wanted to know if he should keep his job. He picked a single card and got the Strength card, upright. Then he wasn’t sure how to proceed – so what does he do?

If we’re not sure about a card, the first thing we do NOT do is pick another card for help, or to explain the first card, or for confirmation. If you can’t read the first one, you’re not going to be able to read the second. Read more here…

 002  How to become more comfortable with readings.

A viewer asked how to become more comfortable with readings.

I used a builder program for this site. You can see what any page would look like on a desktop, tablet and phone, but the changes I made were not being saved. I emailed tech support, but instead of answering the actual question, they referred me to articles that were generally about what I was trying to do. This was annoying becuse they weren’t answering my question.

If the tech support had put themselves in my place, they could have explained what I needed to know.
Read more here…

 003  A Yes that turned out to be a No, but maybe it was a Yes all along.

Someone tried a Yes-No spread that did not seem to work – or did it?

Kristi wanted to know if her boyfriend would call or message her on that day.

She laid out five cards from the Rider deck and added the number of upright (three) and reversed cards (two) to get the answer: Yes.

Her thinking was that the middle card shows the present; the cards on the left show the past; and the cards on the right show the future. Upright and reversed would also indicate a Yes or a No. Read more here…

004   Psychology – or Philosophy?

A Tarot Reader Needs Philosophy And Not Psychology

The word ‘philosophy’ means ‘love of wisdom’. The ‘philo’ part at the beginning means ‘loving’. The ‘sophy’ at the end is sophia or wisdom.

This is important because we all recognize wisdom when we see it; we know what wise words are, and we agree about them. We also know and agree about what is not wise. Read more here…


005   Coming soon